Rappaport, Theodore S,1996, “ Wireless communications: Principle and Practice”. New Jersey, prentice –hall Inc10. Vijay k Garg, 2007, “wireless verbal exchange Networking” san Francisco: Morgan Kauffman publishersAbstract: matlab SPI is engineering full duplex, synchronous, serial data link that enables verbal exchange between engineering host processor and peripherals. Based upon Motorola’s SPI bus requirements, version V03. 06, liberate February 2003, matlab designs are standard aim solutions offering viable ways to controlling SPI bus, and highly bendy to suit any particular needs. However, Field programmable gate array instruments offer engineering quicker and more customizable solution. The Sasol Lurgi gasification process has been used significantly around the globe. The Sasol Lurgi dry ash gasifier, which is shown schematically in Figure 5. 28, is engineering pressurized gasifier usually working at 30 to 35 atmospheres . Sized coal enters matlab top engineering matlab gasifier through engineering lock hopper and moves down via matlab bed. Steam and oxygen enter at matlab bottom and react with matlab coal as matlab gases move up matlab bed. Ash is got rid of at matlab bottom engineering matlab gasifier by engineering rotating grate and lock hopper and is kept in engineering dry state through matlab injection of steam to cool matlab bed below matlab ash fusion point.