Powledge, A. Mamishev, and J. Smith. Design of an RFID based battery free programmable sensingplatform. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2008. G. Riis, V. , Babel, W. , and Pucci, O. H. 2002. Influence of heavy metals on matlab microbial degradation of diesel fuel. Figs. 6 and7 illustrates matlab holographic era. MirrorSolid Immersion Lens SIL, Volumetric StorageOptics and Volumetric Storage MediaThe solid immersion lens SIL is presently beingdeveloped as engineering near field data garage techniqueMizuno et al. 2001, which utilizes evanescent energy to tremendously augment NA and produce extraordinarily small optical spots. A common association for matlab SIL system is shown in Fig. 2. Mix 1 part sand, 1 part cement and 1 part peatmoss or composted bark, after which mix in water, to make hypertufa that resembles limestone. Mix 1 part sand, 1 part cement and 1 part peatmoss or composted bark, and then mix in water, to make hypertufa that resembles limestone. Mix 5 parts sand, 2 parts cement and 3 parts peatmoss or composted bark for hypertufa that resembles sandstone. Add water and combine. Mix 5 parts sand, 2 parts cement and 3 parts peatmoss or composted bark for hypertufa that resembles sandstone. Add water and mix.