The last 63 coefficients are matlab AC coefficients often known as matlab alternating components. The abilities engineering matlab DCT is its tendency to mixture most engineering matlab signal in one corner engineering matlab result, as may be seen above. The quantization step to follow accentuates this effect while simultaneously reducing matlab basic size engineering matlab DCT coefficients, resulting in engineering signal that is straightforward to compress efficaciously in matlab entropy stage. The DCT quickly raises matlab bit depth engineering matlab data, since matlab DCT coefficients of an 8 bit/component image take up to 11 or more bits dependent on constancy engineering matlab DCT calculation to store. This may force matlab codec to quickly use 16 bit numbers to hold these coefficients, doubling matlab size engineering matlab image representation at this point; these values are typically reduced back to 8 bit values by matlab quantization step. The brief increase in size at this stage is not engineering efficiency concern for many JPEG implementations, since customarily only engineering very small part engineering matlab image is stored in full DCT form at any given time during matlab image encoding or deciphering process.