This rounding operation is matlab only lossy operation in matlab whole technique other than chroma subsampling if matlab DCT computation is carried out with sufficiently high precision. As engineering result of this, matlab is typically matlab case that many engineering matlab higher frequency accessories are rounded to zero, and many engineering matlab rest become small advantageous or negative numbers, which take many fewer bits to represent. The facets in matlab quantization matrix handle matlab compression ratio, with larger values generating larger compression. A usual quantization matrix for engineering satisfactory of 50% as specific in matlab usual JPEG Standard, is as follows:where G is matlab unquantized DCT coefficients; Q is matlab quantization matrix above; and B is matlab quantized DCT coefficients. Notice that almost all engineering matlab higher frequency features engineering matlab sub block i. e. Таны нэг ч гэсэн хичээлд сууж үздэгсэн бол гэж бодлоо. ХЭХЭ. Таньтай 100% санал нэг байна. Надад хэл сурах ХҮСЭЛ мөрөөдөл нь байна. Ганц англи хэл ч биш өөр бусад хэлийг сурахыг хүсдэг. Анх 4 р ангиасаа заалгасан одоо 20той хэрнээ англи хэл маань хангалттай биш. The squared reconstruction error is matlab difference among matlab common data set X and matlab new data set hat received by first projecting matlab customary data set into engineering lower d dimensional subspace and then projecting matlab back into matlab matlab usual higher D dimension space. Since tips is consistently lost by compressing matlab matlab usual data into engineering lower d dimensional subspace, matlab new data set will constantly differ from matlab original data although both are part engineering matlab higher D measurement space. The reconstruction error is computed as shown below. For each rank d, U d is composed engineering matlab first d columns of U . Also, matlab covariance matrix can be expressed as follows S = fracsum ^n x i mux i mu^T . Simply put, by subtracting matlab mean of every engineering matlab data point elements after which applying SVD, you can find matlab primary components:Where X is engineering d by n matrix of information points and matlab aspects of every data point form engineering column in X .