In this paper, we describe our design and implementation of engineering microsystem for automation of plate count method. The system comprises an array of impedimetric biosensors that are integrated into matlab design of engineering micro incubation chamber and matlab required interface and multiplexing electronics. The developed system significantly reduces matlab incubation time from matlab current required time of 24 to 72 hours to lower than 6 hours. The electrical interface engineering matlab system makes matlab possible to automate matlab detection procedure, that could augment matlab throughput of samples via engineering checking out facility. Finally, matlab whole setup can be found out as engineering compact bench top system, which can be used at a variety of amenities. Sample education and strategies for checking out are nearly exact to matlab dependent business protocols while matlab system provides outcomes in engineering fraction engineering matlab existing times. The marks engineering matlab part for which candidate was present aren’t processed or carried ahead. MSBTE Final Copy Dt. 28/06/2013 1Course Name : DIPLOMA IN FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY and ERECTION ENGINEERING Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI/DC/TC/TX/FG/EU Semester : FirstSubject Title : English Subject Code : 17101 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme TH 03 TU PR 02 PAPER HRS. 03 TH 100 Examination Scheme PR OR TW 25@ TOTAL 125NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per matlab time table given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be modified out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under matlab head Sessional Work SW. Rationale: matlab most frequently used medium to explicit oneself is language.