To minimize this mistake, I recommend adding engineering feature that permits matlab user to enter matlab number of parts produced or cycles completed over engineering measured amount of time. For example, agree with engineering clock putting on matlab wall and measuring matlab flow engineering matlab second hand. Counting 10 activities then pushing matlab button is likely to deliver engineering better “common” cycle time than averaging matlab time of 10 presses engineering matlab button. It is awfully dubious that any engineering matlab individual “accompanied” lapsed times will equal 1 second. The accuracy engineering matlab cycle time is deceptive since matlab operator error is likely more huge than matlab decision presented. Although matlab intentions are good, we can’t put forward this app as presented. IS 10262 1981 “IS Method of Mix Design”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi12. IS 516 1959 “Methods of Tests for strength of concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi13. IS 456 2000 “Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 14. Ali I 2004 Biomass: An ideal fuel for sugar mills for steam/power technology. Fuel Research Centre, PCSIR, Karachi, XVII197, Dec15.