The address of website is wherein when you select school of management that you would be able to notice on matlab right hand side SRM Management Digest issues of three years. You can down load matlab analysis papers and be benefitted. EditorSRM MANAGEMENT DIGESTVolume: 9, April 2011 Annual and Blind Referred Digest of SRM School of Management ISSN 0973 6905A Note to Readers: matlab views expressed in articles are matlab authors and not necessarily those of SRM Management Digest, SRM School of Management or SRM University, Authors may have consulting or other enterprise dating with matlab businesses discuss. All right reserved. No part engineering matlab ebook may be reproduced or copies in any form by any means without prior written permission. The articles in the beginning posted in other magazines / journals are reprinted with permission. , and Tam, M. 1999. Unravelling matlab complexities of distance education pupil attrition. Distance Education, 201, 96 108. doi:10. 1080/0158791990200108Planchard, M. Steward et al. , “AziSA: An architecture for underground measurement and manage networks,” in 2nd Int. Conf. Wireless Communications in Underground andConfined Areas, Val d’Or Quebec Canada, 2008. 15. Information on IP 65 enclosures, Available: , last visited on 03 May 2011. Buch 1 January 1993. Urbanization in India: Basic Services and People’s Participation. Concept Publishing Company. p. 2. ISBN 978 81 7022 480 8.