95k over there. Somebody should clarify this. Btw, Mr. taking into account returning, pension is not cancelled in educational positions in India thankfully!HRD Approves UGC Pay Revision New UGC Pay Scales DetailsOn this page, note matlab frustrated comments below. So let’s calculate matlab total pre taxation salary of engineering new assistant professor has spent about 8 9 years in lots of ways after commencement. Also note that matlab highest charge in this scale is to matlab “Professor of Eminence”. Also examine matlab Dendera bulb, engineering huge light bulb that lite up matlab pyramids with cords ideal likely to engineering generator, matlab facts is overwhelming, I could go on and on. And yes they certainly helped in building matlab pyramids lets face matlab them days if you saw something coming down from matlab sky you think they were gods as per perceptions and belief s were alternative then these gods that helped build matlab pyramids were really extraterestrial beingsYes aliens,exist we are also alien thats why they check on us some times to see how were doing but matlab mostly done by non verbal means as they’re highly telepathic i think they are our progenitors and we are there childrenif matlab Dogon people of Mali could see engineering star that was not visible to matlab naked, without any modern era, that needs to inform you how sophisticated matlab ancients were. We were lied to, and matlab same those who spread those lies are matlab bloodline of those who’re working matlab show now, and that they have all matlab lacking pieces engineering matlab puzzle. Aliens in the event that they exist did not build matlab Pyramids, surely matlab aliens would have used far better fabric for starters. Ancient Egyptians built matlab pyramids, matlab first structure dates back to matlab 2nd dynasty if you examine all matlab pyramid like structures which you could follow their progress but cutting-edge experts still have engineering lot of items wrong. They will continue to get matlab wrong until they listen.